Reputation Management

Take control and let us help you repair or enhance your company′s name & brand to boost your image online.

Having a good business reputation is imperative to it’s long term success. The internet has added a whole new level of complexity to maintaining a positive reputation. Sites like Yelp, Google My Business (Google Maps) and Ripoff Report have given consumers an opportunity to easily create headaches for your business.

This is why it’s vital to take control of both your personal and business’s online reputation. This can include responding to customer issues, censoring negative complaints and having sites remove negative information. Especially if it’s not true.

This is why it is so important to have a strategy and team in place to handle these types of issues.

Pushing Down Complaints in the Search Engines

web-guardThe most common form of reputation management is suppressing negative reviews in the search engines. When a negative piece of press or a customer submits a negative review that shows up in the search engines it can be devastating to your bottom line.

When potential customers search online and see negative ratings they are likely to find another company to do business with.

We know that the average searcher will only look through the first few results or at most the first page. Leveraging this knowledge we push the negative ratings to the second page and beyond, making them almost non-existent.

Responding to Customer Complaints

customer-serviceEvery business will occasionally have upset customers, it’s part of running a business. When these customers take to social media and review sites it is important to work to resolve the situation. Sometimes customers just want to be heard.

That is why it’s important to monitor these sites and respond to customer comments. By responding directly and appropriately often these situations can be diffused or even resolved.

When you are able to resolve a disgruntled customer’s frustrations sometimes they can turn into huge brand advocates. Certain sites will even allow customers to remove negative reviews.

By responding appropriately you also help any potential new customers see that customer service is important to you. Most consumers understand that you can’t make everyone happy, when they see you work hard to resolve customer issues it begins to establish trust.

Improving Your Business with Bad Reviews

traffic-conversionsEvery business owner dreads the day that a customer complains about their company. It can be easy to feel personally offended when someone talks negative about the business you’ve worked so hard to build.

Instead, we advise using this criticism to improve your business, chances are good that if one person has a critique about your product or service others feel similarly. Instead of feeling insulted you can leverage that feedback to improve your future customer’s experience.

For example if you receive a complaint about the lack of communication you can engineer a strategy to automatically follow up with customers so they don’t feel ignored. By improving the overall customer experience chances are good you will also increase future sales.

This way you are turning that complaint into a method of increasing revenue!

As you find more of these flaws and fix them your business can continue to grow instead of remaining stagnant as a competitor passes you by.

Encourage Customers to Leave Feedback

community-commentingMost the time when people think about reputation management they think about the negative side of it. We also need to look to the other side, happy customers. By encouraging customers to leave their positive feedback you are also managing your online reputation.

As you gain feedback from happy customers you can see what the most impactful points in your sales process are. By maintaining and even improving these processes you can attract and keep new customers.

As more customers leave positive feedback about your business it can also help potential customers see that the one negative remark was just a fluke. The more positive reviews you have the less effect a negative review has on your overall rating.

Why Choose Us?

customer-testimonialsBeing proactive by monitoring and quickly responding to the feedback customers are leaving is vital to maintaining your online reputation. However, most business owners find it impossible to find the time to keep up with all the different sites.

This is why it’s so important to have a team of professionals on your side monitoring what people are saying about you online. As customers leave feedback positive or negative our team can monitor and act quickly, helping the customer to understand their voice is being heard.

If you already have negative items showing up in the search engines, the lost revenue can add up to thousands of dollars a month. We have mastered a process of suppressing these items in the search engines.

We understand how frustrating and painful these negative pieces of press can be. This is why it’s so important that you get help quickly before it gets out of hand. By fixing these reputation management issues we have been able to save our client’s businesses from disaster.

Contact our team today for a consultation to discuss the options that are available to recover your profits.

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